
About the Mexican-American war 1846-48. 2023

Angles Morts

There are things we cannot see, because they are hidden in the death angle of our historical perspective. Since 2022

Unpublished scene from the life of a traitor who wasn't one

What would the conquest of Mexico look like through the eyes of a contemporary woman? since 2021

Our Future was Yesterday

Rewriting History on antique  etchings and drawings. 2021

La pérdida del Otro

Losing the other. 2019

History on Skin

History and Identity . 2015-18


Frauen von heute leihen ihren als Hexen verurteilten  Namensvetterinnen ihr Gesicht. 2014


Welche Freiheiten können wir leben? 2014

Am I still Beautiful?

Titian's Flora with oversized bosom, the proud Dürer with thinned hair and Lucrezia Borgia with mastectomy... Are they nevertheless beautiful? And if so: as paintings or as people? 2013

Mujeres Castigadas

Punished Women


Ein Mosaik vieler Geschichten, das die politische Stimmungslage am Ende der ersten Dekade des 21. Jahrhundert sichtbar macht. (Dr. Annette Werntze) . 2009

Discours on Power

How far war we willing to go. 2007